Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Trust Me

It doesn't need to be

It doesn't need to be

It doesn't need to be

It doesn't need to be

It's There

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

A Cold Witch and Warm Beer

A cold witch and warm beer
That's what I like on the weekend

Beauty mouths her cryptic curse
It is not mine to understand

Driving fast down curved highways
Clenched digits and my simper

Down down into the deepest dark
She won't stop, she can't stop

Road unending, coping with infinity
Just sit back and bathe in it

Reality is danger, danger is tangible
I should have just stayed home

Another two days on the road
With a cold witch and warm beer.

Friday, November 25, 2011


Don't ever let anyone tell you that you stuffing your Thanksgiving turkey with a Thanksgiving ham is a bad idea.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Ill Fish

The women of Sean Kelley's are an interesting force.  Their effects on a man can be magical, mysterious, or malicious.  Men have a tendency to put on blinders and switch off their brains for the attention of one of these pretty ladies.  Things quickly turn to warfare between two men if they are vying for the attention of a single said fair maiden.  Men will typically reprioritize everything that was once important behind the priorities of their new affection.  This is not typical only of Sean Kelly's women, but for the purpose of this entry their singularity is accentuated.

I do not hold anything against the brave men courting these women.

I just feel like they might as well be fishing in the Berkeley Pit.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


So many mornings my too-hot coffee sits in front of me as I stare at the blogger website struggling to ignite an entry.  It seems to be the most logical time to write, seeing as my routine doesn't offer any other promising moments (that's not true, but I like to tell myself it is).  I'm admittedly tired this early in the day, but that is no excuse and that is why I have the molten joe.  Things tend to end up short and simple after a morning write, night writes are deep and sometimes dark seeing as they come after work.  We and our outputs all end up shackled and bound by our habits and schedules.  My weekday routine is like a traffic control officer blowing its whistle and directing my day, although there isn't much traffic to be directing.

Coffee, pooping, and trying to write in the morning.  Work and or video games all day.  Sleeping and smoking dope at night.

From start to right now has taken me 12 minutes to compose.  I will close with an updated photo of Beard of Winter.

Turkey Tuesday starts now.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

It is happening

Big plans for the center of the world.
Two hemispheres held in hand.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Getting Somewhere

We do not know if we are going to travel, but we are reasonably sure.

I have not applied for my passport, but I have picked up the application.

We do not know where we are going to travel, but we have some ideas.

My dad still drinks like a hammerhead, but he finally admitted to it.

I've never grown a beard before, but I'm three weeks deep in my first.

Those people are still in their fucking tents.

As all the world spins around humanity, we are in fact getting somewhere.

Will it be a good where or a bad where?

Thursday, November 3, 2011


Because something can, should?
If able, must?
Passed a point of comfort,
strained, wrinkled, taut,
still one life but twice as long.

How far should we stretch,
to be with those we love?

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Hello November

The End of October
Ernest Ange Duez

October has misted away like a phantasmal witch on a straw broom into the silhouette of the moon.  Troll parties and light staffs are in the furthest possible closet of my brain.  That annual voice telling me to get working on a great original costume is at its faintest.  Our big plastic pumpkin bowl is full of candy still, soon to be picked at like a rotten armadillo in the Mojave flats.  We didn't get any Trick-or-Treaters (we did have our crazy neighbor fall on a TV tray and require my assistance (her apartment was like a haunted house (only more disgusting))).  Actual organic pumpkins were carefully carved and now missing from our steps in traditional November fashion.  My car has snow on it, my car has snow tires on it, it is all very appropriate.  Soon I will yank the guts from a giant frozen bird and replace them with a loaf of crumbled bread and drink hot whiskey ciders.  Yes, October has crawled back into its grave for another 11 months.  Hello November.

And who knows, it may just never rise again.  October 2012... Will we make it?