I do not consider myself a religious man. I've been to church enough times to know that dinosaurs are real. I believe in Afterlife and I believe in Beforelife, and they are both very similar. I believe that this 'Science' stuff has got something going for it, something like three thousand years of merit and discovery. I also believe in certain fundamentals of Nature that we as human beings will never be able to explain, intricacies that we shouldn't try to.
So as my coffee pot gags and wheezes out the last drops of this morning's brew, a 14 hour work day waiting just outside my apartment door, I grab the coffee cup that rests in front the others. I'm not thinking of dinosaurs or angels, I'm thinking of onions and tomatoes. The coffee cup reads:
I know
that no matter
what happens today,
You and I
can handle it together
I've drank coffee from this mug (its not mine) hundreds of times before. I know what it says, I know what all the coffee mugs in my apartment say, and I don't take them very seriously.
For some reason today though, I couldn't agree more.