Friday, October 26, 2012

Dear Time

Dear Time,

Could you slow it down a bit?
Ease off or back off,
just something--
I don't want you to today,
don't want to be older.
I'm fine with yesterdays
not hungry for tomorrow,
no need for next week.

You need to relax
go have yourself a vacation
someplace nice.

Have you ever been to Rome?

Of course you have,
the ruins,
Take a trip through your universe,
love all your dead stars,
dance over their cold planets.
Your playground is our Oblivion.

You lay the bait with progress
and carry the torch
to a better and brighter future,
but it always gets out of hand
and turns to ash,
at least, eventually...

So chill out Time
You'll know where to find me,
Just dig through all that American Dust

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