Thursday, March 20, 2014

Recipes and Education

I liken following a recipe while cooking, to my short stint at Computer Engineering in higher education.

1/2 cup of this class
1Tbsp of this textbook
3 cups of mathematics
4 quarts of monotony

Mix and stir.

Bake in the oven for exactly 4 years.

Let stand in this job for 40 years.

You now have a job as a Computer Tech.

Serves 1.

The way I was taught to cook by a wise mentor doesn't follow recipes, but rather uses them as a rough guideline, letting experience and creativity fill the gaps.  This more fittingly reminds me of the Creative Writing program from which I graduated.

Assemble your ingredients (your choosing)
Add pinches of this and gobs of that
Throw in a little 'whatever you're feeling'
Cook till it looks done
Enjoy whatever it is you've created, and share it with whoever you would like.

Thank you Robert.