Saturday, July 13, 2013

Politics and News

As I scroll through the day's top news stories on my computer, I can't help but feel confused and lost.

The main story is the highly covered case on the politics of self-defense with the George Zimmerman trial.  There are two other stories on shootings today listed in the middle of the list of headlines.  One of a fifteen year old's birthday party where one teenager was shot and killed and several were wounded, and another at a San Francisco shopping center where two were killed and one was wounded.  Seven UN peacekeepers were killed in Darfur and a third hospitalized victim died from the Asiana plane crash that occurred earlier this week.

Then, buried way at the bottom, beneath the reviews and grossing information of the film 'Pacific Rim,' beneath the discovery of yet another blue planet in the universe capable of sustaining life, beneath all the latest drama circling around the NBA draft, lies an article where a recent study shows that over 2 million people die annually from the accelerated decline in air quality world wide.

2 million people a year.  365 days a year.  Thats almost five and a half thousand people a day, all with families, all with problems, keeling over and dying from the damage we've done to our planet.

I'm not an environmentalist, I'm not a gun rights fanatic, and I definitely don't give a damn about the NBA.  But I am a man who knows that something is wrong with the 'Media' and to a greater sense the human condition.

I try not to, but always inevitably do, declare that I'm glad I live in Montana and don't have to deal with that sort of shit.  I also almost never have a solution or positive input towards these problems as much as I would like to.  So like I said, I can't help but feel confused and lost.

Also, Pacific Rim wasn't that good of a movie, as much as it to be with giant robots fighting giant aliens.

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