Friday, April 4, 2014


When I see other people dealing with cancer it always hits me close to home.  A coworker of mine, a really cool guy who I haven't known for very long, has been in Seattle a few days coming to terms with a diagnosis on his three year old daughter.  He needs to be there with her more than he needs to be dealing with work and all of life's regular bills.  That's not to say that the bills won't stop coming.  I doubt he will ever read this blog, but I jumped on donating all of my accrued paid time off to him to lessen his burden and buy him a few days at least.

I just wish I could do more.

1 comment:

  1. I am with you. I fucking hate cancer. When cancer finds children, I am enraged. Giving, as you have, is the very best thing you can do. It really is.
